Exciting Events Happening this Year
Spring Fellowship Lunch

Hendersonville Church
March 27, 12 noon,
bring food by 11:30.​
Summer Picnic — Thursday, July 10, 2025

Cowpens National Battlefield ​
located just east of Chesnee, South Carolina and near the state line.
It preserves a major battlefield of the American Revolutionary War.
The visitor center features a museum with exhibits about the American Revolution, including a fiber-optic map that illustrates the Southern Campaign of the American Revolution.
Fall Retreat — September 8-11

​​​Featuring Dick Tibbits, the author of the book "Forgive to Live." Dr. Tibbits has worked in the field of behavioral and spiritual health for over thirty years. He has used his training in behavioral sciences to assist tens of thousands of people in achieving whole person health and designing life strategies that work.

This Years Theme . . .
Benefits of CRAN Membership
Annual Fall Retreat
Christmas Banquet
Spring Fellowship Lunch
Summer Picnic
Quarterly Newsletter
Christian Fellowship
Join in on the Fun and Inspiration . . .
Become a member of CRAN
(Carolina Retirees Association Northwest)
Simply download the application and mail to . . .
CRAN Treasurer - PO Box 2031 Fletcher, NC 28732